Forschung Projektdatenbank Filling and packaging processes Tightness of Sealings of Packages

Tightness of Sealings of Packages

Testing Methods for Tightness of Sealings of Packages

Workgroup: Filling and packaging processes

Spokesman of IVLV-Project team: Hr. N. Junghöfer/Bischof + Klein
Research institution: Fraunhofer AVV, Dresden
Scientific guidance: Hr. M. Schönfeld/Prof. Dr. H. Goldhahn

Financing: IVLV
Project duration: 2001

The tightness of sealings of packages is an essential demand to ensure their function. Requirements to the sealing are determined by properties of the filling goods, packaging material and the and relevant processing conditions. Do to leaky sealings of packages significant losses of filling goods, packaging material and efficiency occur. To avoid such losses knowledge about the tightness of packages, typical demands and classified testing methods necessary.

Aim of the research project is to develop a test method to characterise the tightness of sealings of packages. Furthermore a classification with relevant sizes of capillaries in sealings will be defined


  • Establishing the project team
  • Analysis of demands on testing methods and a feasible classification
  • Pre-trials to identify suitable testing methods for sealing tightness
  • Preparation and testing of standardized capillaries
  • Rework a research application to AiF-Fördervereinigung
