Direct Funding

Projects on urgent issues and those which concern multiple members can be funded directly by the IVLV according to the available resources. Proposals are defined in the workshops and meetings of the IVLV Working Groups. It is also possible to extend preliminary research in order to increase compound projects. A short description (about 5 DinA4 pages) with the following content is required for the application for funding:

  • Situation/Problem
  • Aim of research
  • Approach of solution
  • Economic significance
  • Plan for financing

In addition, an industry committee consisting of sufficient companies, who will actively support the project, is to be appointed with contact persons and a potential committee spokesperson. All participating companies are expected to have an IVLV membership. The transfer of contributions from individual companies by an industrial association is possible.

Brief descriptions of the projects must be made available to the IVLV office by October 31 of the current year at the latest. The IVLV board decides on the allocation of direct IVLV funding, taking into account the membership vote in December. In the case of particularly urgent questions and depending on the funds available, funding decisions are also possible on other dates.