The board consists of members from the industry and trade with years of experience in the food industry, packaging procedures, and mechanical engineering. The members of the board are elected by the member assembly for the duration of two years. The board presents the budget, financial statements and the annual report.
Dr. Uwe Bretschneider
Managing Director
Wback GmbH
59199 Bönen
Dr.-Ing. Jochen Hertlein
Department manager
NESTEC Ltd CT-Packaging
Dr. Ernst Simon
Department manager
TÖPFER Kulmbach GmbH
Richard Clemens
Dr. Jürgen Pfeifer
Research Principal Ingredient Research Mondelez International, R&D München
Dr. Johannes Rauschnabel
Head of R&D Robert Bosch Packaging Technology GmbH
Dr. Gerald Rebitzer
Director Sustainability Amcor Flexibles
Dr. Egbert Röhm
Manager Technics THEEGARTEN-PACTEC GmbH & Co. KG