
Removing of Specific Undesirable Odours with the Decelopment of New Food Packaging Materials

Workgroup: Packaging materials

Research Institute and Scientific Guidance:

  • Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering & Bioeconomics, Dr. Pramod Mahajan

IGF-Vorhaben: 195 EBR
Financing: BMWi
Duration: 2017 – 2020

Aim of this project is to develop and design a novel packaging concept which will remove undesirable off-odours in food products packages. This would significantly reduce the number of rejections without compromising consumer safety and health. The innovation of this project lies in the incorporation of the odour scrubbers directly into the food packaging materials instead of using the traditional absorbent pads. The project consortium consists in 3 research centres and is supported by SMEs from plants, packaging manufacturers and their suppliers. In the first step, selected food products will be characterized to establish a correlation between quality attributes and accumulation of off-odour in the packaged food product. Next phase include the material development based on the nature of the molecules to adsorb as well as on their compatibility with the matrix of the packaging material. Finally, the package performance will be evaluated.


Meeting documents

The IGF project presented here is funded as part of the program for the promotion of industrial community research (IGF) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action based on a decision of the German Bundestag.