Influence of the temperature deviation during the migration contact on the migration result
Workgroup: Compliance of packaging material
Reasearch Partner and Scientific Guidance: Fraunhofer_institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung IVV Freising, Dr. Diana Kemmer
Financing: IVLV e. V.
Duration: 2023
Plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food are subject to the requirements of the European Plastics Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011. Compliance with migration limits is assessed using migration tests. The migration conditions (contact time and temperature) depend on the intended application of the corresponding materials and are specified in Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011.
The procedure of carrying out migration contacts is described in standards. The temperature during the migration contact must be monitored and it must be ensured that the temperature deviations defined in the standards are not exceeded. Today, the temperatures are recorded with temperature loggers over the entire contact time. Occasionally there are brief, minor transgressions of the limits. At higher temperatures, heating and cooling times during which migration takes place in addition to the specified migration times cannot be avoided in many cases.
With the help of scientifically recognized mathematical models, it shall be examined whether the permitted temperature deviations or also short-term larger deviations as well as heating and cooling times only make a small contribution to the measurement uncertainty with regard to the resulting deviation in the migration values or whether larger differences in the resulting migration values have to be expected.
If these influences are known, they can possibly be minimized by optimizing the procedures or they can be taken into account in the assessment within the measurement uncertainty