Functional & recyclable coated paper packaging for food products
Workgroup: Packaging materials
Reasearch Partner and Scientific Guidance: Fraunhofer_Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung IVV Freising, Phil Rosenow
Financing: BMWK
Duration: 2022 – 2023
Packaging is one of the most important actors in the food supply chain. Food packaging protects and preserves the quality and safety of food products and extends the shelf-life. Every day, the food packaging industry is faced with the choice of the most appropriate packaging material for the storage of specific food products. In addition, the food and packaging industry is challenged to prove the recyclability of their packaging materials. Both on European and Belgian level, ambitious targets are set. The European legislation dictates that 65% of all packaging waste needs to be recycled by 2025 and 70% by 2030 (EU Directive2018/852). On Belgian level, the Belgian Food Industry (FEVIA) states that all food packaging should be recyclable, reusable or biodegradable by 2025. The roadmap ‘Food packaging of the future’ also states that the recyclability of packaging is an important feature for realizing the transition to circular packaging. As a result, the use of paper and cardboard materials for food packaging receives much interest. To be applicable as food packaging, however, paper and cardboard materials are finished with one or more coatings offering good seal and barrier properties to gases and/or moisture. Currently, many novel coated paper and cardboard materials for food packaging applications are brought onto the market. However, it is not always clear whether these materials meet the desired properties and if they are fit for purpose. Furthermore, the recyclability of these coated materials is unknown. At present, no universal method to determine the recyclability of coated paper and cardboard packaging materials is available. Though, it is generally assumed that a coating should not exceed 5% of the packaging to ensure recyclability.
The objective of REPAC² is to support an accelerated implementation of highly functional and recyclable coated paper and cardboard materials for dry food packaging applications. By a market research, commercial coated paper and cardboard packaging materials will be recorded throughout the project. A method to determine the recyclability of coated paper and cardboard materials will be developed. Subsequently, the recyclability and functionality (i.e. water vapor barrier, sealability, and formability) of commercial packaging materials will be assessed. In addition, a matchmaking event between food companies and the coated paper and cardboard packaging industry will be organized. Based on this event and the packaging characteristics of the coated packaging materials, generic case studies will be defined for further research. For these generic case studies, initially a shelf-life simulation tool will be used after which common shelf-life studies will be performed. Finally, in-company validation studies will be established. The preliminary research approach is still open to alterations by the industrial advisory board. This project fits the vision of the roadmap “Food packaging of the future”, covering one of the three key topics ‘circular packaging’.
The IGF project presented here by the Research Association of the Industrial Association for Food Technology and Packaging (IVLV e.V.) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the program for the promotion of industrial community research (IGF) based on a decision of the German Bundestag.