Ensuring constant sensory quality of milk chocolate by adjusting the process parameters and selecting the raw materials
Workgroup: Chocolate technology
Scientific Partners and Guidance:
IGF: 21455 N
Finanzierung: BMWK
Laufzeit: 2020 – 2023
Background: Milk chocolate is the most popular type of chocolate in Germany and Europe. There is a wide variety of milk chocolates types for use in filled products, but also as pure bars. During the production of milk chocolate, its sensory impression can vary greatly. The central question is how these characteristics can be influenced by the choice of milk powder (type of drying, free fat content, lactose state) and the processing parameters during conching (temperature, time, moisture). For the manufacturers of chocolate products, the problem of complete solidification of the chocolate mass in the tank during liquid storage is a recurring one.
Aim of the project: Different milk powders as raw materials for chocolate production as well as technological influencing parameters during conching will be investigated and compared to ensure a constant sensory quality of milk chocolate. The fresh milk note in the chocolate is to be preserved and the solidification in the tank is to be avoided by a targeted use of raw materials, process control and storage conditions. . Approach: Different milk powders are physically characterized for amorphous lactose content, water content, free fat content, solid fat content and particle size distribution. In addition, GC-IMS is used to determine those aroma substances that represent typical key flavours in milk chocolate. By varying the conching conditions (temperature, time, moisture/air supply, energy input) milk chocolates are then produced. The physical product properties of the chocolates are measured and the chocolates are sensory evaluated by a trained panel as well as by preference and acceptance tests.
Economic Benefit:
The IGF project presented here by the Research Association of the Industrial Association for Food Technology and Packaging (IVLV e.V.) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the program for the promotion of industrial community research (IGF) based on a decision of the German Bundestag.